Borghetto sul Mincio, elected among the “most beautiful Villages in Italy”.

Have you ever discovered the beauty of Borghetto sul Mincio, a real jewel a few kilometers from Lake Garda? We tell you all here!

Borghetto sul Mincio is a fraction of the municipality of Valeggio sul Mincio, in the province of Verona, and is included in the list of “the most beautiful Villages in Italy”. It rises in the splendid valley of the Mincio river, nestled between the morainic hills, a few kilometers from Lake Garda.

Historical notes on Borghetto sul Mincio.

Located at the point where since ancient times (and then in the Lombard period) there was a ford on the Mincio in the early Middle Ages, it was configured as a minimal preparation, fiefdom of the abbey of San Zeno, with the function of toll collection on the bridge wooden.
In the Scaliger and Visconti era it was at the center of the events that led to the construction of the various artifacts that surround it (the Visconti Bridge, the Scaligero Castle, the Serraglio). Its transformation into a fortified village dates back to those times, with two access gates and a polygonal circle of walls with towers surrounded by the Seriola pit (which draws water from the Mincio).
In the seventeenth century it was the scene of the passage of the French during the War of the Spanish Succession.
On May 30, 1796, a battle took place here in which Napoleon defeated the Austrians led by Beaulieu (the Borghetto area was garrisoned by Schottendorf with 7 battalions and 15 squadrons); on 6 August of the same year it was the scene of a French cannonade by Augerau and Serurier.

In the nineteenth century Borghetto sul Mincio found itself involved to varying degrees in the wars of the Risorgimento: on 9 April 1848 there was a clash between the Piedmontese (3rd division led by Broglia) and Austrians who withdrew, spoiling the wooden bridge; on June 29, 1859, Niel’s French III Corps stopped there; on 23 June 1866 the Sirtori division encamped.
Following the second war of independence, Borghetto sul Mincio, being on the right of the Mincio river, was assigned to the Kingdom of Italy, while the municipal capital remained under the Lombard-Veneto Kingdom; therefore Borghetto became a hamlet of Volta.
In 1954 some scenes of the film Senso by Luchino Visconti were shot near the wooden bridge over the Mincio.
Since the nineties of the twentieth century, the village has undergone intense restoration work that has redeveloped the houses straddling the Mincio, many of which have been transformed into public places and wonderful hotels and B&Bs.

What to do and see in a day trip in Borghetto sul Mincio.

Borghetto sul Mincio, whose urban conformation dates back to the Lombard period, owes its name to the language of the Germanic people who laid the foundations of a “fortified settlement” (this is the meaning in Lombard), the first agglomeration built near the ford point of the river Mincio.
In addition to the magnificent Ponte Visconteo (passable both on foot and by car) in Borghetto there are the characteristic buildings with water mills, some of which have been put back into operation, and the parish church dedicated to San Marco Evangelista; the building is flanked by the bell tower from the Scala era which contains a bell dating back to the year 1381 (one of the oldest in the Verona area). Noteworthy is the concert of Bells in the Veronese style of the church, consisting of 6 pieces in Bb3.

The small village is paved with characteristic alleys and many restaurants and bars literally pieds dans l’eau on the Mincio river. A real charm!

Finally, we also recommend a visit to the Scaligero Castle of Valeggio sul Mincio (of which Borghetto is a hamlet). Discover all the castles of Lake Garda.

Cycle tourism in Borghetto sul Mincio.

The Mincio Valley and the morainic hills that surround Borghetto are the ideal place for pleasant walks in the company of four-legged friends, along the numerous country roads that lead into the greenery. In particular, in Borghetto sul Mincio you can take the E6 Peschiera del Garda – Mantua cycle path which follows the embankment of the Mincio river. This 45 km long cycle path, which crosses the morainic hills and ends in the heart of the Po valley, is the ideal route for cycling tourism lovers. The starting point is located under the fortress of Ponte Visconteo, from which it is possible to choose whether to continue north, towards Peschiera del Garda, or south, towards Mantua, the city of the Gonzagas. The route develops on its own cycle paths and mostly asphalted, with dedicated signs. During the journey it is possible to enjoy unique views, with vast spaces, cultivated fields and castles that distinguish the villages of the Garda hinterland. We recommend hiring a nice guided e-bike tour to discover all the wonders of this area without worries.

The surroundings of Borghetto sul Mincio.

Among the points of interest in the town, Villa Maffei Sigurtà is certainly worth mentioning, sumptuous summer residence of the Counts Maffei, lords of Valeggio and Monzambano, designed and built according to the design of the architect Vincenzo Pellesina (1637-1700) who was inspired by famous masterpieces of Palladio. Its style testifies to the passage from the Baroque to the cleaner neoclassical. In the tympanum, above the frescoed loggia, a plaque commemorates the ancient investiture of the Maffei family.

What was the ancient orchard of the villa is now the Sigurtà Garden Park, a botanical and naturalistic spectacle that covers about 60 hectares. Its endless green spaces alternate with wonderful seasonal blooms, such as the famous Tulipanomania in March and April, when over a million bulbs bloom in colorful shades. The park can be visited on foot, by bicycle, by train or with electric golf-carts that can be rented inside, to get lost in the meadows, woods and ponds, in an enchanting natural setting.

To cool off on hot summer days, the ideal is the green oasis of the Cavour Water Park, with its numerous swimming pools, with different settings, large green spaces and imaginative water games dedicated to children, to spend days of safe fun. with all the family. Find out what to do with children on Lake Garda.

Tortellino from Valeggio sul Mincio.

The masterpiece of the local culinary tradition are the “Tortellini di Valeggio“, in dialect “agnolin”. Handmade one by one, with a very thin sheet of pasta and a delicate filling of braised meat. You can taste them dry with butter and sage or in broth, in one of the many restaurants in the town, or buy them in the numerous artisan pasta producers. In addition to the classic tortellini, you can also enjoy tasty tortelli stuffed with seasonal vegetables, cheeses or imaginative combinations with game, fish and much more. Woe to you if you don’t taste them, they are truly unique in their perfection of flavor and texture.

Events: Festa del Nodo d’Amore (Feast of the Love Knot).

A highly anticipated annual event that of the 3rd Tuesday of June, on the Visconti Bridge of Borghetto sul Mincio, natural and architectural theater of the Feast of the Love Knot: an outdoor dinner for 3,300 people, seated at a table more than 1 km long to celebrate the Knot of Love, the real Tortellino from Valeggio sul Mincio. Born from the combination of the great intuition of the master-goldsmith Alberto Zucchetta, honorary citizen of Valeggio, and the passion of the Restaurateurs Association, the Festival offers an irresistible mix of atmosphere and good food, between tradition and novelty.
This record-breaking dinner is inspired by the story of the contrasted love between the nymph Silvia and Captain Malco, whose passion is symbolized by a lovingly knotted yellow silk cloth. And the 13 quintals of tortellini, rigorously handmade, which are served during dinner on the historic bridge are inspired by this love knot.

The menu is intended to be a ballet of flavors and aromas in the name of the Veronese agri-food system and of the entire country; therefore, every year, it reserves great surprises and novelties, giving space to different products which, due to their characteristics of authenticity and combination with tortellino, deserve a place in the recipes of Valeggio’s restaurateurs. Thus are present on the tables: the Custoza DOC and the Bardolino DOC, the Prosecco DOCG wines from the hills that stretch between Verona and Garda; the famous Grana Padano® and Monte Veronese DOP, which in recent years has contributed to giving life to two delights: the “Scrigno di Silvia” together with potatoes and rosemary, and the “Tesoro di Malco” in combination with asparagus and extra virgin olive oil. But the surprises aren’t over! In fact, at the end of the evening, thousands of flambeaux are lit, in tune with an incredible fireworks display of fireworks to the rhythm of music.

Over the years, the Feast of the Knot of Love has become international in scope and the guests are all in evening dress. An event to be attended absolutely at least once in a lifetime!

For reservations and tickets click here.

How to get to Borghetto sul Mincio.

By car.

A4 Milan-Venice motorway, Peschiera del Garda exit, 12 km towards Valeggio sul Mincio / Borghetto;
A22 Modena-Brennero motorway, Nogarole Rocca exit, 16 km towards Valeggio sul Mincio / Borghetto;
at the Affi Lago di Garda Sud exit, in the direction of Parchi del Garda.

By train + bus.

FS Peschiera del Garda + Bus line n ° 46 APAM Peschiera-Mantova (Tel. 0376.230299 –
FS Verona PortaNuova + Bus line n ° 160 APT-VR Verona-Valeggio (Tel. 045.8057922 –

By camper.

In Borghetto there are pitches equipped with services, but also quiet and sunny rest areas.

By plane.

Borghetto is only 15 km from the “Valerio Catullo” airport of Villafranca di Verona.

Even just a simple walk in Borghetto sul Mincio will catapult you into so much beauty that you will spontaneously think: “Thank goodness I read this article from Garda Outdoors!”.

See you next time dear Outdoors!

Silvia Turazza – Garda Outdoors editorial staff

Hotels – Restaurants – Experiences on Lake Garda.

On Lake Garda there are many structures in which to stay, from small and well-kept B&B’s to resorts with wellness centers and beauty services, in the section dedicated to hotels find all the information you need to find the most suitable accommodation for you.

The same goes for restaurants, at this link you will find our selection of restaurants on Lake Garda. Remembering that Lake Garda offers several starred restaurants and the quality of the culinary offer is very high.

There are many activities and experiences you can do on Lake Garda, so we recommend you visit the section dedicated to experiences in our magazine by clicking here.

Borghetto sul Mincio
Silvia Turazza

According to the art of onomancy, the meaning of my name is described as follows: "it lives in the woods, sylvan and wild". Sometimes fate knows the way before you, and forges you with the most akin experiences. I live in the heart of Lake Garda in Castelletto di Brenzone. Passionate about trekking, photography and writing, which I combine in small adventures. If you are looking for me, you will find me in the forest overlooking the lake... with my Roberto and Gea.
